Irvine Swim Clinics for
Faster Swim Starts and Flip Turns

Improve Swim Race Times

Waterworks Aquatics Irvine Dives and Turns Clinics are the ultimate opportunity to work on faster swim starts and flip turns. Mastering these skills can dramatically improve race times. These advanced swim classes focus solely on the starts and flip turns associated with the 4 competitive swim strokes. The 60-minute clinics provide the perfect group environment for encouragement and self-improvement. Competitive swimmers should enroll in as many sessions as possible to continue improving. Participants for these clinics must be 5 years or older and level 7 or higher. Please review your child's level with our front office if you are unsure.

Irvine Dives and Turns Clinic schedule

Sunday, February 09
1:00 PM
Sunday, February 16
1:00 PM
Sunday, March 02
1:00 PM
Sunday, March 23
1:00 PM
Sunday, April 06
1:00 PM
Sunday, April 27
1:00 PM
Sunday, May 11
1:00 PM
Sunday, May 25
1:00 PM


Price Per Session $40