Swim Library

The votes are in: Congratulations to February’s Employees of the Month!

JulianJuanAt Waterworks we like to show our appreciation to those employees who perform above and beyond the call of duty.  Every month we feature one Office/Maintenance Staff member and one Aquatic Staff member who are nominated by their fellow staff members.  For the month of February we extend a big Congratulations to Maintenance Manager Juan Hernandez and Swim Instructor Julian Carvalho!


Those of you who know Juan and Julian have seen the hard work and dedication they put into their jobs.  Fellow Waterworks Staff members praised Juan and Julian in their nomination requests by saying:


  • “Juan is always helping out, whether in the maintenance department of even filling in at the front desk in a pinch.”
  • “Juan has a no problem/ I’ll get it done for you attitude.  Seems every task he is asked to take on he gives it his all.”
  • “Julian is always in a good mood and willing to help out other instructors and the office staff.  He seems to take pride in his work.”
  • “Julian takes additions to his schedule, never says no and is always willing to help out.”


Both Juan and Julian are very valuable members of our team here at Waterworks Aquatics and we are proud to feature them this month.