Swim Library

Who Wants to Go on a Treasure Hunt?

treasure-chest-2-005Many of you have seen children picking toys out of our large treasure chest that decorates our front entryway and have asked when will my child be able to pick out a toy?  AtWaterworks we have a rewards system in place for our students to keep them motivated in their swim classes.  When a child performs exceptionally well in a class or finally masters and completes a skill level, their instructor will give them a certificate. They can then present this certificate to one of our Customer Service Representatives at the front desk and we let them hunt for a toy in our treasure chest.  Each child gets to pick out one toy to take home with them.  The children always get very excited when they get to pick out a special prize.  Not only is it fun for the children, but we feel it is important to give them positive feedback for their hard work which, in turn, motivates them to continue to improve.  Our level improvement certificates also tell the parents what new skills their child is now capable of and keeps them updated with their child’s progress.