Swim Library

Turbo Swimmer of the Week

Congratulations Zain on being our Turbo Swimmer of the Week!!

Zain has been swimming since the age of two! Zain has been swimming at Waterworks Aquatics for almost one year now with Mr. James and is half way through completing all eight levels. Great job Zain! The one thing that Zain really loves swimming is the fact that he has a bunch of fun with Mr. James. Mr. James’s favorite thing about teaching swim lessons is watching his students improve their skills over the course of a couple of lessons. With instructors as passionate as Mr. James, there is no wonder as to why Zain is progressing so quickly at such a young age :)

Zain is now on the verge of becoming three and a half in just a few more months! At this rate, we cannot imagine how fast of a swimmer he will become! We asked Mr. James to ask little Zain a few questions to allow for all of our readers to know a little more about his interests as he is swimmer of the week :)

Q. "Zain, what is your favorite food and do you think this food makes you a better swimmer?!"

A. "My favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese and it makes me super fast!"

Q. "Zain, tell me a little about your favorite color"

A. "My favorite color is blue because.... :)"

Q. "Okay Zain, our questions are almost done! What is your favorite movie in the entire world and who is your favorite cartoon character!?"

A. "Cars! I love Lightning McQueen, he is really really fast!:

A. "I really like Iron Man, he is so awesome!"

Well everyone this concludes our interview and short write-up of our Turbo Swimmer of the Week, Zain! Keep up the great work buddy, we wish you the best of luck on advancing in your swim lessons :) #waterworksswim #waterworksAquatics














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