Swim Library

Extra-Curricular Activities Could Improve Grades

SMU Research Suggests After Schools Activities Improve Academic Achievements

As school season is in full swing many kids are hitting the books to improve academically. But homework isn’t the only after-school activity that improves grades. SMU research suggests back to school programs result in a higher academic achievement rate. There is a strong positive correlation between after school activities and grade point average. This is especially true when it comes to elementary school students. It's because after school programs provide children with a sense of success. These programs also helps socialize them beyond their immediate school circle.

Swimming would make a great after school activity. As your child’s time grows so could his or her grades. Providing your child benefits like better social skills, better classroom behavior, and higher self-esteem.

We are holding our Back to School Promotion, at particular locations, which could cover a much of the school year. Buy a lesson package of 18 lessons or more and receive FREE lessons. Depending on the lesson package, you can earn 6 free lessons, some restrictions apply. Waterworks Aquatics offers free makeup classes, because we understand that every parent is busy.